Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How the Homeless are Treated by Brittany Colon

Homeless people are treated with absolutely no respect. They are neglected by society and are placed as outcasts of society. People classify them as low life’s or bums. When people see a homeless person walking down the street or sitting in a corner they would do anything to avoid them. Society feels that “the homeless are lazy” and they do not want to work. They believe that they have the option to change their lives and that is the reason why they have no sympathy towards them. But the one thing people don’t recognize is that they are regular people. God made and loves everyone equally and we should follow in his footsteps. He didn’t create anyone less than one another so we shouldn’t treat anyone less either. As in God words, treat others as you want to be treated.

People don’t understand the struggles that homeless people have to face day to day. Not having a place to call home, not having any food or drinks, not being able to shower or brush their teeth, etc. Just imagine this being you. Homeless people are rejected by society every day. And the awful part is, homeless people are treated with sympathy only around Christmas time. Homeless people are people too and they deserve to be treated that way and not anything less. Homeless people like to be treated like everyone else. They do not want to be ignored or stared at. A simple hello or smile will brighten up their day. You have no idea what a difference you will make.


  1. Where are all the comments? Are you doing the necessary work?

  2. I agree with what you are saying Brittany. People have developed a hatred for homeless people. Many people are scared of them; well at least I know I can be at times. They are just normal people who are going through some hard times. You’re right when you said that they are treated with no respect but this is only because of the way they portray themselves. It’s not that easy for a homeless person to get up off of the street and go find a job because the chances of someone hiring them are very unlikely. They shouldn’t be treated any differently because they are homeless. Like you said we are all made in God’s image and we are all children of God so we should treat each other equally. We are told to treat each other the way we would want to be treated. I know how a lot of people feel that homeless people who are begging for money on the street will solely use the money they get for drugs or alcohol. If you don’t want to give them money, buy them food, so that you know that they will be fed.

  3. Like Gab, I also agree with Brittany. For some odd reason, society has decided to place the homeless in a lower class than the rest of the world. Homeless people are just that, people. They were created the same way as everyone else. The only difference is, they have not been fortunate enough to be blessed with the same opportunities and options as other people. I am pretty sure that homeless people do not enjoy being homeless. Unfortunate, many times society as a whole chooses to ignore the homeless people. Many people say that they have their own problems to worry about and do not have enough time to worry about other people. Many people say that it is not their problem if someone is homeless. The truth of the matter is, it is possible for any of us to become homeless. Things do not always go the way you want it to in life. We must place ourselves in other people's shoes in order to truly understand them and be able to judge them. Brittany also made another very good point. It seems as if people only care about the homeless during holidays such as Christmas or Thanksgiving. Yes, the charities and fundraisers for homeless during these holidays is something positive, but just because a holiday ends does not mean the homeless stop being homeless.

  4. Yes, I believe that homeless people are treated with no respect but not from everyone. There are actually a lot of people that do care about the less fortunate. There are a lot of groups and organizations that focus on helping the homeless. For example, midnight run, that is a group in Paramus Catholic and other schools that collect toiletries and clothing for the homeless in New York. They also make sandwiches and other snacks that they can give to the homeless that would at least give them one meal for the day. There are also soup kitchens and shelters that provide meals and a bed for a night. The only thing they have to do is stand in line and hopefully get a spot. So there are people in the world that care about the homeless regardless if its only a few people that is all that is needed to make a difference.

  5. i agree with what everyone has said. i dont understand why people have developed some sort of problem with homeless people. Nobody knows what they have gone through to be judging them. Yes they are basically looking like bums, but what exactly happened to them in order for them to be in that position? The good thing about the people that care is that many have organized different ways to help them such as soup kitches, and what not. Homeless people do not want to be homeless, they are not homeless by choice so why judge them. It is our job to make sure that they are all taken care of and find the right passage to start a new life. Im sure if i was homeless i would appreciate someoen trying to help me, and at least showing that they care. Giving clothes, food, sometimes a shelter and etc., to a homeless person makes a huge difference in their lives. They really do appreciate what people do for them and gives them more courage to go on with their lives.
